Terry and the Martians - Softcover

Terry and the Martians - Softcover

    Price: $4.95

    SKU: 9780971165960

    Code: RUCKER114B

    Format: Softcover
    Artist/Author: Mike Rucker

    4 available for immediate delivery.

    Terry and the Martians - Softcover
    Terry has been selected for the greatest tractor adventure in history: to go to Mars with the first manned mission. When the crew arrives they find that the Martians are not friendly and that they cannot communicate with them. Terry finds that he can understand the Martian language. All is going well when a giant asteroid is detected. It is headed right toward the Martian city. Terry must save the Martians by deflecting the asteroid with his bulldozer. Terry is almost destroyed in the process, but he saves the Martians.